VIP Realty TOP Sales Agent, February, 2025, Betsy Kimrey!

Congratulations, Betsy Kimrey, VIP Realty  Sanibel and Captiva TOP Sales Realtor last month! It is no surprise that Betsy achieved this recognition as she is known for associating with the best  in all  her endeavors.   When she and her family moved to Sanibel 4 years ago,  she chose to work at VIP Realty Group, the TOP Producing Realtor on the islands.  Betsy graduated from Rawlins College in Winter Park, Florida which was recently recognized as the TOP regional university in the south by US News and World Report.   She studied design and planning at Rawlins and did case studies on Sanibel as a student there.  Between vacationing here as a child,  studying about Sanibel in college and participating in graduate-level ecology research at the University of Georgia,   it was inevitable that she would move  here with her family.  After all, Sanibel Island, with over 250 types of mollusks,  is the TOP place to go shelling, according to “Trips to Discover”.

Betsy, her husband, two daughters and three dogs have settled into island life, enjoying boating, beachwalks and biking.  They do occasionally leave Sanibel to participate in local horse shows.  There had been a 6-acre horse farm mid-island until several years ago.  Maybe Betsy will consider bringing the horses back to the island!  Her goal for 2025 is to become even more involved in the community.  And with Betsy’s energy and enthusiasm, anything is possible.

Let Betsy bring that same quest for the best and high-energy to your dream home search on Sanibel and Captiva. 

VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva 1560 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. 239472.5187 Open for your convenience Monday – Saturday: 9AM – 5PM; Sunday: 10AM – 5PM.

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