VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva was well represented at the “State of the Islands” presentation on January 22. VIP REALTOR and Sanibel Captiva Islands Association of REALTORS (SCIAR) President, Becky Mulka and VIP REALTOR and SCIAR Board Director, Janka Varmuza, attended this informative 4 hours session. Topics ranging from housing and real estate to water management were presented by local experts including Sanibel Mayor Richard Johnson, Sanibel’s first Mayor, Porter Goss and SCIAR CEO Bill Robinson. It is exciting to see all the activity and hear about the progress being made on our beautiful islands. If you would like more information about Sanibel and Captiva, please reach out to Becky or Janka. They are extremely knowledgeable and always available for a chat! Becky Mulka can be reached at 239.887.0855. Janka Varmuza’s number is 239.405.9560.
VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva 1560 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. 239.472.5187. Open for your convenience Monday – Saturday: 9AM – 5PM; Sunday: 10AM – 5 PM.
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