VIP Realty Top Producer, February, 2025, Tina DiCharia!

In January, 2025, the Sanibel and Captiva Islands Association of REALTORS (SCIAR) installed VIP REALTOR Tina DiCharia as President-elect.  Her success continues as she has been recognized as VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva TOP PRODUCER in February, 2025.    She continues to receive 5-Star ratings from her clients on the VIP Client Opinion surveys.  Recently, Tina’s client wrote: “I’ve made a lot of choices in my life but I have to say, choosing you to represent us and sell our family home was at the VERY top of any I have made.  You have been AMAZING!”  Congratulations on all your accomplishments this year, Tina!

Tina was born in Hawaii and spent parts of her childhood in Indiana and Florida.   Tina and her husband, local attorney and REALTOR, Gus Simmons, made Southwest Florida their permanent home in 1984. Prior to that, she lived and attended college in Chicago where she built a career as a Court Reporter.  Tina founded and operated DiCharia & Associates Court Reporting, a highly successful agency for more than 20 years.  Her training and background ensure that Tina’s attention to detail is second to none.  It’s these skills that make It possible for her to be successful in real estate as well as involved in professional and community activities, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, YMCA and the P.O.L.O Club of Lee County.  Congratulations, Tina, on your continued success!  Let Tina help you be successful in selecting your dream home on the islands of Sanibel and Captiva.  Call her anytime at 239.340.5636.

VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva    1560 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel.    239.472.5187     Open for your convenience:  Monday – Saturday: 9AM – 5PM   Sunday:  10AM – 5PM

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