VIP Realty Sanibel & Captiva Hosts Rick Akin Esq.

When you see all the colorful and informative ads for homes sales, you might not realize that this is just one component of the very complex profession of real estate sales.  This highly regulated industry is constantly evolving with changes and enhancements of legal, financial and even ethical standards.  That is why it is critically important for REALTORS to stay compliant, informed and competitive in their field.  As usual, VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva is ever vigilant and committed to the continuing education of its agents.  To this end, Rick Akin, Esq, a leading local attorney who is a partner in the firm Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A., conducted a seminar exclusively for VIP Sanibel and Captiva REALTORS on November 22.  Mr. Akin is a Magna cum Laude graduate of FSU College of Law.  He has also been designated Top Lawyer by Naples Illustrated magazine, 2020-2024 and has a wealth of experience in regulatory law as well as land use and zoning laws.   25 VIP REALTORS attended this educational session that provided legal updates, essential for our professionals to stay compliant and informed.   VIP REALTORS are fully engaged in continuing education programs like this throughout the year, so they can continue to provide the best information and services to you  in any real estate transaction.  If you are ready to make that dream home a reality, stop at VIP Sanibel and Captiva and get to know our agents!  Let us know how we can be of service!

VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva    1560 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel.      239.472.5187            Open for  your convenience Monday – Saturday:  9 AM – 5 PM;  Sunday:  10 AM – 5 PM.

Photos courtesy of VIP REALTOR, Becky Mulka

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