Born in Germany, Iris followed her husband to SWFL, where his ancestors have lived for 100 years., After living in California, Washington and Alaska, Iris was able to quickly realize that living on Sanibel was the best for her family, including the athletic Havanese, Roxy. And it looks like Roxy has settled into living on Sanibel quite nicely! Look at that form and balance! When you are out and about on the islands, look for Iris and Roxy on the bike path. Ask Iris about her amazing experience in the building industry. Her knowledge and expertise is most impressive! She had a long, successful career in real estate sales and as a Territory Manager for large manufacturers of building supplies, including flooring, countertops, dry wall, siding and roofing materials. Iris would be a great resource should you need to do a little updating or renovation! Let Iris bring her extensive knowledge to assist you in the sale or purchase of your island dream home or investment property. Contact Iris at 239.472.5187
VIP Realty Sanibel Captiva 1560 Periwinkle Way Sanibel 239.472.5187
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