Congratulations, VIP Realtors who were installed as Officers of the Sanibel Captiva Islands Association of Realtors on Wednesday, January 31:
Becky Mulka President-Elect
Tina DiCharia Treasurer
Bob Berning Secretary
Connie Walters Director
The Association is in good hands with this dynamic group of leaders!
Six VIP Realtors were also inducted into the prestigious Honor Society. To become a member of the Honor Society, a realtor must meet the following rigorous criteria: Regularly attend association meetings and functions, attend educational seminars and maintain current knowledge of the real estate industry and make contributions through service, participation and membership in civic and cultural organizations that benefit the community. Please congratulate the following Honor Society Inductees for 2023: Judie Anderson, Tina DiCharia, Jim Hall, Becky Mulka, Janka Varmuza, Amy Wainwright and Connie Walters
Special congratulations was given to Amy Wainwright for her many years of service and significant contributions as a Director and Officer of the Association of Realtors. Thank you, Amy!
#viprealtygroupsanibel #sanibelvacationrentals #sanibelrealtor #sisterssellingSWFLviprealtygroup #@bobberningrealtor #pearltheblogger